lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Why is blogging important?

Hi everyone! 
I've just found a very interesting webpage called "Search Engine Journal", where I've read a post written by Neil Patel. Patel gives 7 reasons why blogging is still important. Since I consider blogs a great tool to record information and to reflect upon it, I want to share Patel's reasons with you: "A blog allows you to build a fuller picture of who you are. Most people will meet you through other places…"

1- Build your brand as an expert: some bloggers command attention and lead a remarkable life influencing trends, creating breakthrough ideas and giving us some of the best information out there.
2- So what should you talk about?: before you even start writing, you first need to do intense research to find out what your audience needs.
3- Buil trust: A blog with consistent, truthful and helpful content will allow you to bridge that gap between distrust to trust.
4- Exercise your creativity: in any competitive field it is the most creative who will succeed.
5- Growing stream of organic search traffic: as more posts increase, your overall site traffic will increase also.
6- Consistency is the key: look at all the famous bloggers today. People like Hugh MacLeod, Fred Wilson and Rand Fishkin. One of the reasons they are famous today is because they worked hard year after year producing attractive, useful and powerful blog posts.
7- Proven business model.

Follow this link if you want to read the whole post:

1 comentario:

  1. Great post Tamy! I think that is useful to bear in mind what we are going to publish before hand. Also I think that using blogs helps you to engage your students and work in the classroom in a different way.
